Partner with Us

Imagine’s work is growing and expanding but our vision is still the same. We want to see all people flourishing—a beloved community—having not only their basic needs met, but also experiencing love and belonging.

Our company was founded on the belief that creativity can uniquely equip communities to imagine this better reality. And when we can imagine it, we can work together to create it.

We believe our most critical work at this moment is with children and youth who are navigating a critical mental health crisis. Depression, suicide, and anxiety are at an all time high. Increased online exposure has made young people vulnerable to loneliness and isolation, cyberbullying, human trafficking, and gaming addiction, among other negative impacts.

Imagine created Play! Youth Development Theatre—a dynamic theatre-based social and emotional learning program, to address this crisis. Looking at highlights of our work over the past year, the impact speaks for itself. This responsive and constantly-evolving program seeks to respond to the changing needs of young people, providing transformative opportunities to practice building better ways of being together.

“My experience being part of the Play! program is that I realized how similar I am to others. It made me realize that I’m not alone.”

- 6th grade student

“My students absolutely LOVE this program! They have such insightful conversations about it. I am impressed by how empowering it is for my students to share their ideas, write about their feelings, and collaborate during peer-relationship discussions.”

- 5th grade teacher

Invest in the future

We are looking for partners who will invest in the vital learning of Play! Youth Development Theatre for children across San Diego County.

Will you join us?